Written Reports:
Written reports are provided twice a year to inform you of your child's academic and personal achievements.
Teacher Consultations:
This is an opportunity for you to meet with the teachers and discuss any aspect of your child's education and progress. The meetings will run on an appointment system and details will be sent home in advance. It is always better to talk to somebody early on to avoid the prospect of a minor problem becoming a larger issue. We encourage parents to communicate with the teachers throughout the year by making appointments as required.
Parental Teachers Conferences:
The school holds two conferencing sessions between teachers and parents during the academic year.
Student Records:
Confidential records are kept about each child and will be updated regularly. It is important that at all times the heads of departments ( pre-school, elementary and secondary) are updated about emergency contact details for your child. It is also important that the school is notified of any medical conditions or family circumstances that may affect your child in school.
Your child's achievement is under constant review in all areas of the curriculum. This may be done through observations, providing feedback on learning, discussion with students and through monitoring in individual learning. The information gained is used to inform teachers when planning their next lessons, to ensure they are relevant and pitched at the appropriate level for your child. They will be encouraged to keep a portfolio of assessed work which reflects their progress. Students regularly engage in a one to one conference with their class teacher where individual targets are set and reviewed.